
The International Conference Materials, Structures, Technologies and Management in Civil and Environmental Engineering will be held on November 5-6 in a hybrid form. You can participate in person or online on a dedicated website. The stationary part of the conference will take place at the SCOUT Hotel in Częstochowa. If you would like to stay in this hotel, all information can be found at the link >>>> LINK.

Details on how to get to the conference venue can be found on the map below:

You can also stay in other hotels during the conference, selected options are presented below.

Hotel name Location Phone number Distance from the conference venue LINK

SCOUT Hotel in Częstochowa

(10% discount with
the code MSTM25)


ul. Drogowców 12,
42-200 Częstochowa

+48 734 472 300
+48 605 230 773

~0,0 km


Politechniki Częstochowskiej

Akademicka 5,
42-218 Częstochowa

Dekabrystów 26/30
42-218 Częstochowa

+48 34 325 04 72
+48 34 325 02 33

~3,3 km


ul. Drogowców 8
42-200 Częstochowa

+48 34 368 30 22 ~0,2 km LINK
Ibis Czestochowa

ul. Jaskrowska 22

+48 34 377 45 00 ~1,1 km LINK

Copyright © Politechnika Częstochowska. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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